
“It just brings so much relief
and such a weight off your
shoulders. And just to know
yes, she’s gonna be OK and this
is working.”
More parents are turning to cannabidiol (CBD) oil, a cannabis extract
with little or none of the psychoactive compound THC, to treat their
childrenwho have cancer and epilepsy. The oil is currently legal in
dozens of states, but its supply is limited. And the science lags the
law—dosing standardshaven't been set, and the effects
Cannabis For Kids:
The Children Behind The Debate

“Every time she smiled I knew
we did the right thing,
because we hadn't seen her
smile in three years," Cox said.
"Now she's thriving, she's healthy,
she's happy, and they're absolutely
shocked at the difference. So I
think we've turned some
nonbelievers into believers
of cannabis oil.”
his mother, Ana
The Coxes can rest more comfortably living in Georgia now that
their 5-year-old daughter can get the marijuana extract she needs.
"This means the world to us," said Haleigh Cox's mother, Janea Cox..
Girl's seizures spur medical
marijuana legislation in Georgia
April 16, 2015

Hundreds of families have
moved to Colorado in hopes
of healing their sick children — kids
conventional medicine has failed.
They’re turningto a liquid form
of marijuana that has helped some,
but not all. This is the story
f 12-year-old Preston and
his mother, Ana
Ana Watson looks across the living room of the Colorado Springs house
that still doesn’t feel quite like home and sees her son, Preston, sitting
stiffly on a brand-new couch. His eyelids flutter, struggling against the
seizures that have quaked through his brain every day since he was
3 months old. In her hand, Ana holds the first dose of what she hopes will
Desperate Journey:
State of Hoped
July 10, 2014

“When we pulled her out of
Georgia, Haleigh was given
about two months to live,"
Cranford told VICE. Now,
a year later, she was back in
Atlanta to witness her namesake
bill signed into law.
Last week, Georgia Republican Governor Nathan Deal, flanked
by dozens of families with children suffering from rare and intractable
medical conditions, stood on the steps of the state capitol and signedt
he state's first medical marijuana bill into law.
The Heartbreaking Plight of
Colorado's 'Marijuana Refugees'
Apirl 25, 2015

“She is able to express herself.
For four straight years she
couldn’t tell us if her stomach hurt
or that she was about to have a
seizure. She had no communication
at all. Now she can answer yes or no
questions. And it’s amazing how
much she knows.”
Janea Cox, her husband Brian, their 7-year-old daughter Haleigh
and their chocolate Lab Kala left their Forsyth home in
December 2016 for their semi-annual trip to Colorado.
They flew into Denver and made their way toward Colorado Springs
in a rental car, squeezing the three of them, a wheelchair and the
dog into the small, four-door sedan. A handicap-equipped van
would have been better, but the economy ride was what they could afford.
Haleigh's Hope
Janea Cox’s unexpected
journey to the front lines
of marijuana advocacy.
March 5, 2017
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