Dylan’s Story
Haleigh’s Hope has smoothed Dylan’s transition from special needs kid into a fully functioning adult: “I’m a huge fan!”
Dylan is a 21-year-old medical refugee that has been using Haleigh’s Hope for more than three years and, in that time, he has become one of your company’s biggest fans. As a child Dylan had multiple special needs- primarily hydrocephalus, epilepsy, and cerebral palsy. He had a fourth ventricle enlargement that put pressure on his brain stem, autism, Raynaud’s disease, full-body neuropathy, severe scoliosis (a seventy-degree curve), frontal lobe damage, apraxia, OCD, severe anxiety and PTSD, and rage issues that stemmed from all of the above. The only thing that has made a real difference in Dylan’s life is Haleigh’s Hope; it has literally salvaged his adulthood. The transformation has been nothing short of remarkable.